The Kingdom Hearts Series has long evaded being on the Xbox family of consoles until the most recent Kingdom Hearts III. Now in 2020 you can have them all on the Xbox One. #KingdomHearts
The Walt Disney Company is using their upcoming remake of the classic "The Lion King" to raise awareness to the crisis facing lions and other wildlife in Africa. #ProtectThePride #TheLionKing #Movies #WaltDisneyCompany #Disney
DONTNOD has released the launch trailer for Life is Strange 2 Episode 3 today. Check it out... #LIFEISSTRAGNE #DONTNOD #SQUAREENIX #XBOXONE #PS4 #PC #GAMING
Final Fantasy games from the PS2 era are coming to the Xbox One as well as the Nintendo Switch this April. #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXII #FinalFantasyX #NintendoSwitch #XboxOne