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Showing posts with the label Xehanort

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 E3 Trailer Released

This trailer came a tad earlier than I expected but regardless any KH new is good news. #KingdomHearts 

New Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix Trailer

This game looks gorgeous on the PS3 cant wait till I get mine...

Kingdom Hearts Comprehensive Timeline - By GameTrailers

Okay so no matter what way you put it Kingdom Hearts will probably never be coherent until the series or at least the Xehanort saga has ended, but +GameTrailers   did an excellent job of making the wacky yet addictive story line a bit clearer for new, novice, and expert players and watchers alike... If the video above doesn't work click here to watch it on their site

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix Trailer

High Quality Kingdom Hearts Cutscenes

Kingdom Hearts