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Showing posts with the label Windows

Microsoft Press Event Wrap-Up | Afterthoughts

Yeah I know, Late to the party... Been a busy month so far... #MicrosoftSurface #Microsoft #Technology

Final Fantasy XIII Series Heading to PC

No... Lightning isn't returning again but she is coming to the PC for the first time. 

XBMC is no more....

Well technically it not going away but it is being renamed to #Kodi Entertainment Center

Favorite Applications - PC Edition

Probably the most asked #PC question i get is "Can you fix my computer? (lol)", but beside that it is "What #applications do i use on my PC"? So here is a  mostly detailed list of what i use most. If you have any suggestions or questions etc. leave a comment or message me... #apps

HandBrake for Windows, Mac, & Linux - Review

Handbrake Review  Category: Media Coder  Platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux  Developer: HandBrake Community  Website and downloads

YAMMM ( Yet Another Meta Media Manager ) - Windows Application Review

Have a large Movie library but, lacking the info about your movies? Look no further Yammm has you covered....

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Preview (Xbox360, PC, Wii, PS3, DS)

Infinity Ward's Best Selling first-person shooter  is back with its 3rd installment