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Showing posts with the label Smart Watch

Review - Mickey Mouse Watch Face

Looking for an Animated Mickey Mouse Watch face similar to the one for the #AppleWatch ?  This one is clearly the best available option.  #AndroidWear #MickeyMouse #Watchface

Moto 360 Review - After 3 Months

Looking for a smartwatch that well, looks like a watch? Motorola was the first to accomplish this with the Moto 360 and its still one of the best options available. +Motorola Mobility  #Motorola #Moto360

Meet the Apple Watch

So #Apple decided to put a player into the smart watch scene. #applewatch #iWatch #smartwatch

Coming Soon - Moto360

Its almost here... The #android wearable that we all have been waiting for. The  +Motorola Mobility  #Moto360 promises to put all its competitors to shame.