So we have missed a few of these so we will just wrap up the month of June with this one. A lot has happened being that it was the month of E3.
#JuneWrapUp #WeeklyWrapUp #E32016 #Gaming
E3 was the biggest happening of the month, but overall I found this E3 pretty underwhelming. There was defiantely some great games like "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", "Forza Horizon 3", and God of War 4". They even had some great VR games to show of like Eagle Vision. We gave each one of the big 3 an alphabetical score to rate what they shown off at the show (100-90 = A, 89-80 = B, 79-70 = C, etc..) Here is how we scored the big 3 (Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony)
Sony = B
Game wise Sony had a lot to offer. They shown off a variety of titles including ones that will only be available on the PS4. I’m looking forward to getting my hands on “The Last Guardian” as well as “God of War”. I’ve been waiting for the The last guardian for years now and, while they didn’t show too much more off, it still looks great. God of War 4 looks amazing and the narrative seems to be very interesting. Something is leading me to believe that Kratos’ son might be killed off early in the game… Spider Man looks flat out amazing!!! Overall Sony had a very strong showing of games. VR to me is gimmicky at the moment and i can’t see myself forking over $400 on a PSVR right now. I kinda wished sony announced a revised version of the PS4 like Microsoft did with the Xbox One S. Sony will probably wait until TGS to announce that. Read full article Here
Microsoft = C
Microsoft had a decent showing of games though the most promising parts of the conference was the updates to Xbox Live and the new Xbox One S. Game wise i don't feel like they had an “A” list IP to excite fans besides Gears of War. Read full article Here
Nintendo = E
I’m a Nintendo fan and have been for years, but it is like they are trying to make me not like them anymore Bringing only 2 games to E3 is like giving the middle finger to its fans who have been supporting them through these hard times. If it wasn’t for the the games being top notch “A” list games I would be saying FU Nintendo. Read full article Here
Favorite games from E3 2016
- Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- God of War 4
- Gears of War 4
- The Last Guardian
- Final Fantasy XV
- Kingdom Hearts 2.8
- Horizon
- Spiderman
- Forza Horizon 3
- Pokemon Sun | Pokemon Moon
Other News:
- IOS 10 is supposed to be the grandest update to Apple's mobile platform, with updates and redesigns to Messages, Photos, Maps, and they finally opened major apps to Devs. IOS may become just as exciting as Android.
- Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is now available on Android and iOS. for More info check out our original article Here
- Disney announced a sequel to Wreck-It Ralph to hit theaters March of 2018. For more info check out Disney's Press Release Here
- Disney's Zootopia is second only behind frozen... View Zootopia by the numbers Here
Coming Soon...
- Q+ Bluetooth Speaker Review
- Airsspu VR Headset Review
- ActionPie VJJB-V1S Headphones Review
- Airsspu Fitband Review
- What Really Grinds My Gears...
- and More...
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