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Sony's E3 2013 Warp Up

Games they shown off...
God of War HD 1/2 - PS Vita
Doki Doki - PS Vita
Dead Nation - PS Vita
Flower - PS Vita
Last of Us - PS3
Beyond: Two Souls - PS3
Gran Turismo 6 - PS3
Batman Arkham Asylum: Origins 
Grand Theft Auto V PS3 Bundle $299.99
PS4 Console - $399.99 
The Order: 1886 - PS4
Killzone: Shadow Fall - PS4
Drive Club - PS4
InFamous: Second Son - PS4
Knack: PS4
The Dark Sorcerer: PS4
Transistor - PS4
Diablo III - PS4
Final Fantasy: Versus XIII (Now officially renamed Final Fantasy XV) - PS3 and PS4
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - PS3
NBA: 2K14
The Elder Scrolls
Mad Max
Destiny - PS4

Bolded games are ones that caught my attention. 

This was the the best conference I have seen in sometime. It was all about the gamer and that is what has been missing in the past few years. I have to say the PS4 is betamax ugly but at least the price is right and it can play pre-owned games without stupid stipulations or fees and you don't have to connect to the internet every 24 hours. Way to stick it to Microsoft Sony...

For more PS4 info go Here
